The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes – Dealing with the Devil

The Devil’s Confession The Lost Eichmann Tapes - Dealing with the Devil

The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes – Dealing with the Devil – Determinedly pushing ahead in his pursuit of justice, Hausner remains relentless. In a pivotal turn of events, he successfully secures a transcript of the elusive Sassen Tapes. These transcripts, soaked in crucial details, become a significant asset in his arsenal. Yet, the original audio recordings, arguably more compelling in their authenticity, remain tantalizingly out of his grasp. Each echo, each pause, and the raw emotion that only a voice can convey, is still hidden, teasing the peripheries of the unfolding drama.

The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes – Dealing with the Devil

As he delves deeper into the contents of the transcript, it becomes apparent that the ramifications of the information are not just limited to the immediate case at hand. The ripples of its impact extend far beyond the courtroom. The data contained within these tapes holds the potential to reshape geopolitical dynamics in a rapidly changing post-war landscape.

The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes – Dealing with the Devil

The world, having just emerged from the horrors of World War II, stands on the precipice of a new era — the Cold War. Two superpowers are rising, staring each other down, with ideologies as different as night and day. The information from the Sassen Tapes could well be the wildcard that influences this delicate balance of power, setting into motion unforeseen chain reactions.

The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes – Dealing with the Devil

Moreover, for the young nation of Israel, still finding its footing on the global stage, these revelations hold particular significance. Israel’s national interests, its relationships with other nations, and its very identity could be influenced by the hidden truths within the Sassen Tapes. As Hausner delves further, one thing becomes clear: these aren’t just tapes; they’re a potential pivot in the annals of history.

The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes – Dealing with the Devil


In 1960, one of the most notorious war criminals in history was finally brought to justice in Jerusalem. Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Nazis’ vicious campaign to eradicate Europe’s Jewish population, stood trial for his role in the deaths of millions. But behind the scenes, the gripping courtroom drama hid explosive secrets that could have ripped apart the trial.

Just a few years prior in Buenos Aires, Eichmann had candidly confessed the details of his crimes in a series of interviews with former SS officer, Willem Sassen. These infamous tapes contained irrefutable proof of Eichmann’s guilt. Yet, they also harbored revelations about collusion between Nazis and prominent Jewish leaders that could have destabilized the young nation of Israel.

As lead prosecutor Gideon Hausner pressed ahead, he managed to secure damning written transcripts of the recordings. But the actual tapes continued to elude him. Some suspected powerful forces were at work to suppress the recordings and protect politically-sensitive secrets. But ultimately, the tapes’ disappearance allowed Eichmann to deny his crimes and left lingering questions about justice left undone.

The Prime Evil Emerges from the Shadows

In the chaotic aftermath of World War II, thousands of former Nazis disappeared without a trace. Many fled across oceans and borders to escape prosecution, melting into societies across the globe. One of the most hunted was SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, the very face of sterile, bureaucratic evil.

As head of the Gestapo’s Department for Jewish Affairs in the late 1930s, Eichmann orchestrated the identification, assembly, and mass deportation of Jews to ghettos and extermination camps. With cold precision, he oversaw a matrix of death connecting train schedules, camp capacities, and statistical quotas. At its peak, the machinery of death Eichmann engineered was transporting thousands of Jews daily to almost certain death.

When the dust settled after Germany’s defeat, Eichmann was captured by American troops in 1945. But he soon escaped from a prison camp, eventually making his way to Argentina using an escape network known as “ODESSA” organized by remaining Nazi loyalists. He lived in Buenos Aires under the alias Ricardo Klement, working for Mercedes-Benz with fellow war criminal Otto Skorzeny.

By 1957, no major Nazi figure had yet faced justice. But the name Adolf Eichmann still evoked the unfathomable horrors of the Holocaust. For many survivors, his face remained the cold, impassive stare behind the systematic murder of 6 million Jews. Bringing him to justice seemed almost impossibly remote.

Dark Revelations in an Argentine Exile

Unbeknown to most, the elusive fugitive had begun to step back into the light. While living comfortably in Buenos Aires’ German immigrant community, Eichmann met Willem Sassen, a Dutch Nazi journalist and fellow SS officer. Between them emerged an alarming plan – Eichmann would grant Sassen exclusive interviews revealing his pivotal role in the Holocaust’s execution.

Eichmann likely agreed for several reasons. First, Argentina still remained a relatively safe haven, allowing former Nazis to live in plain sight. He may have already sensed Mossad’s looming presence, and wanted to dictate his own version of history while he still could. Additionally, his massive ego likely compelled him to finally take credit for his horrifying “accomplishments.”

From 1957 to 1958, Eichmann sat with Sassen for over 50 hours of recorded interviews. He fearlessly detailed his central role in facilitating the Nazis’ “Final Solution” from its diabolical inception to mechanized implementation.

The extent of his shocking admissions was breathtaking. Eichmann confessed to attending the 1942 Wannsee Conference where plans for mass extermination were coordinated. He admitted visiting death camps like Auschwitz to inspect operations. Most damning, he acknowledged knowingly sending millions to their deaths, even exceeding his authority to maximize killing.

Sassen later transcribed over 1,300 pages of notes from the tapes. But he hid the physical recordings, instead selling excerpts to Life Magazine just before Eichmann’s 1960 capture. For Holocaust survivors seeking justice, this devastating evidence of Eichmann’s guilt was maddeningly out of reach. But the tapes’ content was so explosive, powerful forces may have ensured they remained hidden.

The Architect on Trial

On May 23rd, 1960, Mossad agents seized Eichmann near his home in Buenos Aires and secretly transported him to Jerusalem to finally face trial. Eichmann’s abduction, and the very notion of a Jewish state prosecuting Nazi war criminals, electrified the world.

Inside a cinderblock glass courtroom erected specifically for the trial, spectators crammed onto benches or crowded outside around loudspeakers. Media coverage broadcast the trial to global audiences, who tuned in to bear witness.

Leading the prosecution was Gideon Hausner, an eloquent trial lawyer and Israel’s Attorney General. He viewed the trial as a historic chance to give Holocaust victims a voice and formally document the Nazis’ inconceivable atrocities. “Not only justice,” Hausner later wrote, “but also the historical truth was the imperative.”

Sitting impassively in his bulletproof booth, Eichmann remained largely unmoved during horrific survivor testimonials. He expressed no remorse, insisting he was merely following orders. But without the Sassen tapes, Hausner lacked irrefutable proof of Eichmann’s central role in enacting the Holocaust.

The Tapes on Trial

Desperate to obtain the recordings, Hausner discovers the damning Sassen transcripts. Though Eichmann denies the words are his own, Hausner verifies key pages in Eichmann’s own handwriting. But the judges prohibit submitting the full 700 pages into evidence, fearing they can’t authenticate the original tapes.

Hausner is shattered. Later writing, “I wanted to bring Eichmann’s defense to a complete standstill. Then he could hardly have been able to deny his own voice.”

In reality, the tapes likely never surfaced due to their incendiary content about collusion between Eichmann and prominent Jewish leaders. Though mentioned during the trial, some allegations were too politically and morally fraught for Israel’s young government.

Without the tapes, Eichmann repeatedly denied responsibility during his testimony, insisting he was “just following orders.” When the eight-month trial concluded, Eichmann was found guilty on all counts and executed on June 1, 1962. For many survivors, justice was served. But with the tapes still missing, history felt incomplete.

Lingering Questions

To this day, the tapes’ exact origins remain disputed. Some claim Sassen returned them to Eichmann’s family before his death. Others believe shadowy figures acquired them and deliberately suppressed the recordings to protect remaining Nazi networks and assets.

The tapes finally emerged publicly in 1999, eventually finding their way into the hands of an Argentine filmmaker. Hearing Eichmann’s voice freely confessing his central role provided chilling closure. But it also provoked lingering questions. Why were the tapes hidden? Who stood to gain from concealing Eichmann’s “devil’s confession”?

Ultimately the tapes remind us that, even as history marches forward, the complete truth sometimes forever lingers just out of reach. But uncovering deeper truths about humanity’s darkness can help illuminate the way forward. Perhaps in that sense, history’s devils sometimes serve darker powers keeping humanity blind to its own progress.

Unfinished Business: Nazi Hunting after the Trial

With Eichmann brought to justice, Israeli leaders hoped to close the chapter on hunting Nazis. But others insisted too many perpetrators remained free, demanding relentless pursuit. Among them was famed Vienna-born Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal.

During the war, Wiesenthal endured several concentration camps, losing 89 relatives in the Holocaust. After the war, he dedicated his life to documenting Nazi crimes and locating fugitives. Despite contributing to Eichmann’s capture, Wiesenthal wasn’t satisfied.

In the 1960s and 70s, he provided intelligence to help apprehend figures like Franz Stangl, Gustav Wagner and Hermine Braunsteiner. But in Wiesenthal’s eyes, “the account was still not closed.” Too many Nazis had evaded justice and were now comfortably hiding in plain sight.

Wiesenthal pressured global leaders to continue the hunt, arguing complacency would allow Holocaust deniers to rewrite history. He reminded Jewish communities to never forget, penning books like The Sunflower to keep memories from fading. Before his 2005 death at age 96, Wiesenthal had assisted in bringing over 1,100 Nazi war criminals to justice. But he believed thousands more remained unpunished.

Lingering Mysteries Surrounding Holocaust Profiteering

While Eichmann rotted in an Israeli prison, other Holocaust profiteers escaped condemnation. One was Wilhelm Höttl, an SS Major who testified at Nuremberg about the Final Solution’s genesis. Despite admiting to confiscating Jewish possessions, Höttl faced no consequences.

After the war, Höttl assisted US intelligence, likely providing information about Nazi escape networks like ODESSA in exchange for immunity. He spent the remainder of his life comfortably in Austria until his passing in 1999.

For Jewish leaders like Ernest Landau, Höttl’s freedom highlighted lingering injustices. In his 1961 book The Secret Nazis, Landau demanded international action against Nazi networks still actively obscuring evidence and harboring fugitives. These groups, he argued, allowed perpetrators to evade prosecution and continue profiting from genocide.

Bringing such profiteers to justice remained complex given post-war realignments. US and Western intelligence utilized Nazi informants as Cold War assets against the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, divisions between Zionist and non-Zionist Jews fractured unified activism. This murky landscape allowed many opportunists tied to the Reich’s machinery of death to disappear into the shadows.

Post-War Collusion Haunts the Present

Disturbing revelations after the war highlighted at least tacit Nazi collusion from prominent institutions. Swiss banks faced criticism for handling looted assets and stonewalling inquiries from Jewish depositors. Companies like Volkswagen, Hugo Boss, and Bayer reconciled their extensive use of slave labor.

But perhaps most unsettling were verified ties between prominent Jewish leaders and Nazis during the war. Some, like Chaim Rumkowski in Poland’s Łódź ghetto, actively assisted in administering the camps where Jews were imprisoned. After the war, this accommodation was decried as collaboration.

One haunting case was Rezső Kasztner, a Hungarian Jew and Zionist leader who negotiated with Eichmann during the deportation of 400,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in 1944. After securing safe passage for over 1,600 Jews, Kasztner was accused of remaining silent about the slaughter to protect his deal with Eichmann.

Though Kasztner was assassinated in Israel in 1957, questions lingered about who exactly benefited from his silence. Rumors swirled that he had testified on behalf of Nazis at Nuremberg in exchange for party funding from Israel, but nothing substantial emerged. The full truth died alongside a man placed in impossible circumstances, forced to sacrifice lives to salvage a few.

Facing the Past: Nazi War Criminals in the Dock

While some Nazis evaded justice, others eventually faced reckoning decades later. Among them were concentration camp guards and lower-level officers, whose prosecutions lagged as authorities focused on prominent leaders. But as public pressure mounted, even peripheral figures were eventually hauled into court to answer for their complicity.

In 2011, John Demjanjuk, a former guard at camps like Sobibor, was convicted as an accessory to murdering 28,000 Jews. His case established that death camp service alone was grounds for conviction, even without evidence tying defendants to specific killings. This allowed prosecutors to target individuals who enabled the Holocaust’s machinery to run, not just architects like Eichmann.

These cases came late, as perpetrators neared death, leading to criticisms of justice delayed being justice denied. Some felt prosecutors remained reluctant to seriously pursue charges until political winds shifted. But authorities defended the lengthy pursuit of even ancillary figures to address Holocaust denial claims and send a message against complicity.

Trials of ex-Nazis ignited complex debates about accountability, retribution, and the nature of ‘evil.’ But survivors maintained the proceedings offered a chance to be heard and for past horrors to be acknowledged. Though verdicts could not undo the suffering, the act of testimony helped mend the historical record and provided a measure of closure.

Keepers of the Truth: The Race to Preserve Survivor Testimony

As the window to prosecute living Nazis narrows, efforts have intensified to preserve survivors’ first-hand accounts before time runs out. Numerous oral history projects labor to systematically record eyewitness memories to deny future revisionists the chance to distort the historical record.

One prominent effort is the USC Shoah Foundation, founded by Steven Spielberg following Schindler’s List to compile video testimonies. Since 1994, the foundation has filmed nearly 55,000 interviews in 63 countries. These raw accounts humanize victims while providing undeniable evidence to counter malicious deniers.

Meanwhile, harrowing physical sites like Auschwitz-Birkenau operate to educate new generations. As the war fades from lived memory, interacting with tangible artifacts keeps the Holocaust’s enormity from becoming abstract. Preserved sites deny us the solace of viewing such horrors as safely confined to the past.

While voices of survivors and prosecutors steadily dwindle, their documented words grow louder in their absence. In collectively bequeathing the chilling truths of our jagged history, perhaps we enable those who follow to construct a more just world upon these lessons bought at unimaginable cost.

Phantoms of the Past: The Persistent Specter of Holocaust Denial

Despite irrefutable evidence, distortions surrounding the Holocaust persist. While deniers have generally moved from outright rejection to insidious minimization, their fundamental goal remains rehabilitating fascism by muddying historical reality.

As the war fades from lived memory, creating distance, denialists have more space to operate. Younger generations lack first-hand encounters to viscerally reject revisionist falsehoods. Ample documentation is dismissed as exaggerated, allowing seeds of warped doubt to take root.

Troublingly, disinformation spreads rapidly online, abetted by algorithms favoring inflammatory content. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube have enabled denialist propaganda and conspiracy theories to flourish. Despite crackdowns, the internet’s decentralized nature enables toxic ideology to slip through the cracks.

Vigilance against denial remains critical, not just for historical fidelity, but because distortion enables persecution. Obscuring crimes against humanity with relativist rhetoric clears space for their recurrence. Keeping the past proximate through active remembrance inoculates us against future threats rising in familiar trappings.


The Eichmann trial and the lost Sassen tapes shine a harsh light into the darkest chapters of our collective history. Confronting the depths of human depravity challenges our sense of progress by revealing the savagery lurking under even “advanced” societies.

But facing these bleak truths also affirms our shared humanity. The courage of survivors reclaiming their voices delivers solace and closure. Preserving unambiguous records inoculates future generations against denial’s corrosion. Each small judgment written into the ledgers of history brings us incrementally closer to redemption.

By grappling with ghosts of the past, we forge meaning from horror and strengthen our resilience moving forward. Our burden is to never forget, so the suffering that purchased hard lessons need not be repeated. We must hold hope close amidst darkness, remembering the light within ourselves and our fellow beings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What were the Eichmann tapes?

The “Eichmann Tapes” refer to the 1957-1958 interviews in Argentina between fugitive Nazi Adolf Eichmann and former SS officer Willem Sassen. In over 50 hours of candid recordings, Eichmann openly detailed his central role in planning and enacting the Holocaust.

Why weren’t the tapes used at Eichmann’s trial?

Prosecutor Gideon Hausner desperately wanted to use the tapes to directly prove Eichmann’s guilt in his own voice. But the original physical tapes could not be located. While Hausner obtained written transcripts, Israeli judges ruled them inadmissible without authentication. The tapes’ likely suppression protected politically-damaging content about Nazi collusion.

How did Eichmann evade capture after WWII?

After escaping American custody in 1945, Eichmann fled to Argentina using escape networks like ODESSA organized by unrepentant Nazis. He lived in Buenos Aires under the alias Ricardo Klement before being abducted by Mossad agents in 1960 to stand trial.

Who was Simon Wiesenthal?

Simon Wiesenthal was a famous Nazi hunter who survived several concentration camps during WWII. After the war, he dedicated his life to documenting Holocaust crimes and providing intelligence to bring fugitives like Eichmann to justice. Despite Eichmann’s capture, Wiesenthal continued hunting escapees until his death in 2005.

Why do Holocaust deniers still exist?

Despite overwhelming evidence, Holocaust denial persists to rehabilitate fascism by obscuring historical crimes. Deniers dismiss documentation as exaggerated and spread distortions online. Vigilance against denial remains critical to inoculate societies against the rise of persecution enabled by historical revisionism.

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