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Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2: Frances Tophill and the team continue to celebrate the joy that the gardening year brings throughout the seasons. Rachel de Thame visits Anglesey Abbey in Cambridgeshire, a garden designed to look its best in winter. On a trip to the Knepp Estate in West Sussex, Arit Anderson hears how the principles of rewilding can increase biodiversity in our own gardens, and Nick Bailey meets a man whose potting bench is more like a laboratory bench where he grows hardy orchids from seed.

Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

There’s a gardener in Worcestershire who has amassed an astonishing collection of cacti and succulents, and a couple of friends in London share their passion for growing cut flowers. There’s also a chance to see what viewers have been getting up to in their gardens.

Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

Gardeners’ World is a BBC television program that offers practical gardening advice and inspiration. The show is presented by a team of expert gardeners, including Monty Don, Carol Klein, and Joe Swift. Each episode covers a range of gardening topics, from design and planting ideas to tips for growing vegetables and dealing with common gardening problems. Gardeners’ World also features beautiful gardens from around the UK and showcases the latest gardening products and techniques. The show is aimed at both experienced gardeners and those who are new to gardening, and it offers something for everyone who loves plants and the outdoors.

Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

Plants for winter interest

Many plants with winter interest are scented, most are shade tolerant, and some are adaptable to life in containers so can be moved in and out of the limelight according to the season. The sight and scent of these valuable plants can cheer up a dull time of the year. Interest in the winter may come from flowers, scent, berries, coloured stems or dramatic evergreen foliage. Plants with fragrance are best appreciated when planted by doorways or entrances in regular winter use. Since some are not particularly attractive during the summer months, you may find it useful to plant in containers and change plantings according to the seasons.

Heights given are approximate and they may vary under differing conditions. Shrubs may take several years to reach their ultimate height. When positioning the shrubs, take into account their eventual size. Some plants that can provide winter interest in the garden include:

These plants can provide color, texture, and structure to the winter landscape, and many also have the added bonus of providing food and shelter for wildlife. It’s a good idea to choose plants that are hardy in your region, as well as those that will thrive in the specific conditions of your garden (such as full sun, partial shade, or moist soil).

How to grow witch hazel

Witch hazel (Hamamelis sp.) is a deciduous shrub that is known for its fragrant, spidery flowers that bloom in the fall or winter. It is relatively easy to grow and can make a beautiful addition to any garden. With flowers that light up even the gloomiest winter day, this easy-to-grow shrub likes a sunny spot. The small tassel-like blooms, in vivid yellow or fiery orange, are strung along the bare branches and waft their heady fragrance across the garden.

Witch hazels are best planted between October and April, but avoid planting if the ground is frozen or waterlogged. You can plant container grown witch hazels at any time, but if they are planted during spring and summer they will need regular, careful watering to keep the soil moist. Most witch hazel cultivars are grafted onto Hamamelis virginiana rootstock. Sometimes the rootstock can produce suckers (shoots) – there is more information about what to do about suckers in the ‘dealing with suckers’ section below. To minimise problems from suckering, do not bury the graft union (visible as a bulbous part of the stem near to ground level) and avoid planting too deeply by just burying the uppermost roots with soil.

Here are some tips for growing witch hazel:

  1. Choose a location in your garden that gets full sun to partial shade. Witch hazel prefers moist, well-drained soil, but it can tolerate a range of soil types as long as they are not too dry or waterlogged.
  2. Plant your witch hazel in the spring or fall. Dig a hole that is slightly larger than the root ball of your shrub, and gently loosen the roots before planting. Space multiple shrubs at least 10 feet apart to allow for proper growth and air circulation.
  3. Water your witch hazel regularly, especially during dry spells. It is best to provide a deep watering once a week rather than frequent shallow watering.
  4. Prune your witch hazel in the late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. Remove any dead, damaged, or overcrowded branches, and shape the shrub as desired. Witch hazel can tolerate heavy pruning, so you can cut it back quite severely if needed.
  5. Fertilize your witch hazel with a balanced fertilizer in the spring, after new growth begins. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label for proper application rates.

With proper care, witch hazel will grow and bloom reliably, providing a burst of color and fragrance to your garden in the fall or winter.

Grow your own cut flowers – Gardeners’ World 2022/23 Winter Specials episode 2

Many garden plants can be enjoyed as cut flowers and foliage in the home, offering cheaper and diverse alternatives to florist flowers. Borders can be adapted to provide cutting material throughout the year. Alternatively, dedicate a part of the garden to growing cut flowers. Growing your own cut flowers can be a rewarding and economical way to add beauty and fragrance to your home. Here are some tips for growing your own cut flowers:

  1. Choose a location in your garden that gets full sun and has well-draining soil. Most cut flowers need plenty of sunlight and moisture to thrive.
  2. Select the right varieties. Not all flowers are suitable for cutting, so choose varieties that are known to be good cut flowers, such as zinnias, dahlias, sunflowers, cosmos, and gladioli.
  3. Start with seeds or young plants. You can either start your cut flowers from seeds indoors and transplant them outside when the weather warms up, or you can buy young plants from a garden center and plant them directly in the ground.
  4. Provide proper care. Water your cut flowers regularly, and fertilize them according to the instructions on the label. Deadhead spent blooms to encourage new growth and prolong the flowering season.
  5. Harvest your cut flowers at the right time. Cut flowers are at their most beautiful when they are just beginning to open, so wait until the first few blooms are open and then cut the stems at an angle. Use sharp scissors or garden snips to prevent crushing the stems.

With a little effort and care, you can enjoy a bounty of beautiful, fragrant cut flowers from your own garden.

Growing hardy orchids from seed

While most orchids are not known for being easy to grow from seed, some hardy orchid species can be grown successfully from seed. Hardy orchids are those that can tolerate cold temperatures and other challenging conditions, and they are often found in temperate climates. Here are some tips for growing hardy orchids from seed:

  1. Choose the right hardy orchid species. Some examples of hardy orchids that can be grown from seed include Cypripedium calceolus (Lady’s Slipper Orchid), Dactylorhiza maculata (Spotted Marsh Orchid), and Pleione humilis (Bog Orchid).
  2. Obtain fresh, viable seeds. Hardy orchid seeds are extremely small and difficult to germinate, so it’s important to start with seeds that are fresh and viable. You can obtain seeds from a reputable supplier or from a local orchid society.
  3. Start the seeds in a sterile, moisture-controlled environment. Orchid seeds need a sterile, moisture-controlled environment to germinate properly. You can use a seed-starting mix or a mixture of peat moss and perlite. Keep the seeds moist but not waterlogged, and provide plenty of humidity (around 70-80%).
  4. Transplant the seedlings to pots or a raised bed when they are large enough to handle. Hardy orchid seedlings can be transplanted to pots or a raised bed when they have several leaves and a root system that is well-developed. Use a well-draining, orchid-friendly potting mix, and water the plants regularly but not excessively.
  5. Provide the plants with proper care. Hardy orchids need plenty of sunlight (but not direct midday sun), adequate moisture, and good air circulation to thrive. Keep the plants well-watered and fertilized, and protect them from extreme temperatures and other environmental stresses.

Growing hardy orchids from seed can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. With patience and care, you can successfully grow these beautiful and unique plants in your own garden.

How to collect & store seed

Collecting and storing seed is a simple process, but it does require some preparation and care. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Choose the healthiest and most mature plants from your garden to use as seed sources.
  2. Collect the seed by gently shaking or rubbing the seed heads into a container, or by cutting the seed heads and separating the seeds by hand.
  3. Clean the seeds by removing any debris, such as leaves or stems.
  4. Dry the seeds completely before storing them. This can be done by spreading them out on a paper towel or by using a food dehydrator or oven set to a low temperature.
  5. Store the dried seeds in an airtight container, such as a jar or plastic bag. Be sure to label the container with the name of the seed and the date it was collected.
  6. Keep the seeds in a cool, dry place, such as a basement or pantry. Avoid storing them in the refrigerator, as this can cause the seeds to lose viability.

By following these steps, you can successfully collect and store seed for future use in your garden.

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