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Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8: Spring’s grip loosens, and summer whispers on the breeze in this episode of Gardeners’ World. Monty Don delves into the Longmeadow, expanding the planting on the iconic mound. He’ll also gather a bounty of self-sown seedlings, a testament to the garden’s thriving ecosystem, and prepare the cottage garden for a riot of summer color. After a long and wet spring, Monty seizes the moment, sowing seeds in the veg garden – a sure sign that tastier days are ahead.


Meanwhile, Nick Bailey escapes to Devon. Here, a stunning garden unfolds, seamlessly blending historic charm with contemporary design principles. It’s a captivating example of how the past and present can beautifully co-exist in a garden haven.

A shift in focus brings us to Arit Anderson, who visits the esteemed Sarah Raven. Together, they explore Sarah’s latest creations – a dazzling array of dahlias specifically chosen to attract and support pollinators. These vibrant blooms promise to not only beautify gardens but also contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Beyond the manicured borders and flourishing flowerbeds lies the inspiring story of an allotment gardener in North Yorkshire. Their plot has blossomed into a personal sanctuary, a haven of peace and productivity amidst the bustling world. Witness the transformative power of gardening and the sense of community that thrives on allotments.

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Our final voyage takes us to the enchanting realm of award-winning nurserywoman Derry Watkins. We’ll explore her captivating garden, a testament to her passion and expertise. But the excitement doesn’t stop there. After a 25-year hiatus, Derry makes a triumphant return to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. This episode offers a glimpse into the meticulous planning and dedication behind creating a show-stopping display for this prestigious event.

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8: Get Growing with Gardeners’ World

Monty Don delves into summer preparations at Longmeadow. With the long wet spring finally easing, Monty expands the planting on the iconic mound, weaving in vibrant new additions to create a dazzling summer display. He also takes advantage of nature’s bounty, gathering self-sown seedlings to nurture and add unexpected charm to the cottage garden. Meanwhile, in the veg patch, it’s time to catch up on the season. Monty sows seeds directly, offering tips and tricks for getting the most out of your vegetable plot.

Journey to a captivating Devon garden. Nick Bailey escapes to Devon, where he explores a stunning private garden that seamlessly blends historic charm with contemporary design. This unique space promises to inspire viewers seeking to create a garden that reflects both heritage and modern sensibilities.

A celebration of pollinators and plant passion. Arit Anderson visits the renowned Sarah Raven at her home nursery. Sarah, a champion of beautiful and beneficial plants, unveils her latest dahlia creations – captivating blooms specifically chosen to attract and support pollinators in your garden.

Finding sanctuary on an allotment. Delve into the heart of North Yorkshire, where a passionate allotment gardener has transformed their plot into a haven of peace and productivity. Witness the dedication and creativity that flourishes in this allotment sanctuary, and glean inspiration for your own growing space.

Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Derry Watkins’ triumphant return to Chelsea. Gardeners’ World catches up with the award-winning nurserywoman, Derry Watkins. Explore her captivating personal garden, a haven overflowing with horticultural treasures. Derry also shares the exciting news of her much-anticipated return to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show after a 25-year absence. Don’t miss a glimpse of the design concepts and plant selections that promise to make her comeback a showstopper.

Episode 8 of Gardeners’ World 2024 promises an hour packed with inspiration, practical advice, and captivating glimpses into the world of gardening. So, tune in, grab your notebook, and get ready to take your garden to the next level!

How to Grow Lathyrus: A Comprehensive Guide

Growing Lathyrus, commonly known as sweet peas, offers a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. These fragrant climbers are beloved for their vivid colors and sweet scent, making them a popular choice for ornamental gardens. This guide provides everything you need to know about growing Lathyrus, from selection to ongoing care.

Choosing the Right Lathyrus

Selecting Varieties

Sweet peas come in both annual and perennial varieties. Annual sweet peas are known for their rich, intense fragrances and need to be sown each year. Perennial varieties, such as the Lathyrus latifolius or everlasting pea, offer a longer-lasting presence in the garden but are generally less fragrant.

Considerations for Planting

Lathyrus plants thrive in full sun with well-draining, fertile soil. It’s important to choose a spot that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. These climbers also require a supportive structure like a trellis or fence to support their growth.

Planting and Initial Care

Sowing Seeds

For annual sweet peas, sowing seeds directly into the soil can be done as early as spring, after the last frost. It’s advisable to soak the seeds overnight to soften their hard coating, which enhances germination rates.

Planting Perennials

Perennial Lathyrus can be propagated by dividing established plants or sowing seeds. Divisions are best done in the early spring or fall, ensuring each section has several shoots and a portion of the root system.

Ongoing Care and Maintenance

Watering and Feeding

Sweet peas require regular watering, especially during dry spells. Avoid overhead watering to minimize risk of disease. A balanced, slow-release fertilizer applied at the beginning of the season will promote healthy, vigorous growth.

Pruning and Training

Regular pruning encourages more blooms. For the best results, pinch out the tips of young plants to encourage bushy growth and remove fading flowers to prolong the blooming period.

Common Problems and Solutions

Sweet peas are relatively hardy but can encounter issues such as powdery mildew or aphids. Regular inspection and early treatment with organic options can prevent these problems from becoming major.

Propagating Lathyrus

Propagation by seeds or division helps expand your collection or renew older plants. Seeds require careful handling and stratification, while divisions are simpler but should be done with care to avoid damage to the parent plant.

Ultimate Guide to Sowing Seeds Indoors

Starting your garden indoors can jumpstart the growing season, especially for tender and half-hardy plants that thrive in controlled environments. This detailed guide will walk you through the process of sowing seeds indoors, ensuring optimal germination and early growth of ornamentals and vegetables alike.

Selecting Seeds for Indoor Sowing

Understanding Seed Requirements

Certain plants benefit significantly from an early start indoors, particularly those sensitive to cold. Tomatoes, chillies, and various ornamental flowers like cosmos and nasturtiums are prime candidates for indoor sowing. Seeds of these plants often require specific temperatures to germinate successfully, so checking the seed packet for specific instructions is crucial.

Preparing Seeds for Sowing

Before sowing, some seeds may need pre-treatment to improve their germination rate. This can include soaking, nicking, or using sandpaper to break through tough outer coats. Sweet peas, for instance, benefit greatly from these preparation methods, which allow moisture to penetrate the seed more effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sowing Seeds Indoors

Setting Up Your Sowing Environment

Choose a container like a seed tray, modular tray, or even recycled food containers filled with peat-free seed compost. For larger seeds, individual pots or modules are suitable, whereas smaller seeds are best sown in seed trays to maximize space and efficiency.

Planting and Covering Seeds

Distribute your seeds evenly across the compost surface. For larger seeds, place them individually, ensuring they are adequately spaced. Cover the seeds lightly with sieved compost, adhering to the depth recommendations on the seed packet. This usually involves covering the seeds with compost roughly equal to their size.

Maintaining Optimal Growing Conditions

Ensuring Proper Moisture and Warmth

After sowing, gently water the seeds using a watering can with a fine rose to avoid displacing them. Cover the trays or pots with a piece of glass or clear plastic to retain moisture and warmth, creating a mini greenhouse effect. Place your seeds in a warm spot, ideally around 18°C, which is suitable for most indoor-sown seeds.

Monitoring and Care Post-Germination

Watch for germination, which can occur in just a few days for some species. Once seedlings appear, remove the cover to prevent mold growth and continue to keep the soil damp but not waterlogged. Regular monitoring helps ensure that seedlings receive adequate light and are not subjected to extreme temperatures.

F.A.Q. Gardeners World 2024 Episode 8

Q.: What types of plants are featured in Gardeners’ World 2024 Episode 8, and what makes them special?

A.: Episode 8 of Gardeners’ World 2024 highlights a variety of plants, focusing on both ornamental and edible species. Monty Don expands Longmeadow with new vibrant plantings and gathers self-sown seedlings, emphasizing the garden’s natural regeneration. Nick Bailey explores a Devon garden that blends historical elements with modern design, while Arit Anderson and Sarah Raven showcase dahlias chosen for their ability to attract pollinators, emphasizing ecological gardening practices.

Q.: How does Monty Don recommend sowing seeds in the vegetable garden?

A.: Monty Don takes advantage of the improving weather to sow seeds directly in the vegetable garden. He provides viewers with valuable tips on ensuring successful germination and growth, such as the importance of soil preparation and the ideal sowing depth and spacing. These tips are aimed at maximizing the yield and health of the vegetables grown from these seeds.

Q.: What are some key gardening techniques shared in the episode for managing a garden during the transition from spring to summer?

A.: In this episode, Monty Don focuses on expanding plantings and preparing the garden for summer’s abundance. He highlights techniques such as gathering and nurturing self-sown seedlings and provides advice on how to effectively integrate these into the garden to enhance its aesthetic and biodiversity. Additionally, proper seed sowing in the veg garden is discussed, emphasizing timing and technique to catch up after a wet spring.

Q.: Can you describe the significance of the garden visited by Nick Bailey in Devon?

A.: The garden in Devon visited by Nick Bailey is presented as a stunning example of how historical charm can be integrated with contemporary gardening principles to create a unique and inspiring space. This garden serves as a model for viewers who are interested in how traditional elements can be preserved while adopting modern design and ecological practices, providing a balanced approach to garden planning.

Q.: What is the importance of Derry Watkins’ participation in the RHS Chelsea Flower Show after a 25-year hiatus?

A.: Derry Watkins’ return to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show marks a significant event in the gardening community, showcasing her expertise and passion for horticulture after a long absence. Her participation brings attention to her unique garden designs and plant selections, which are expected to influence current trends in gardening. This segment highlights her dedication and the meticulous planning involved in preparing for such a prestigious event, offering inspiration and insights into professional gardening at its best.

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