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Gardening Australia episode 11 2020

Gardening Australia episode 11 2020

Gardening Australia episode 11 2020

Gardening Australia episode 11 2020: Costa Georgiadis visits a clever and productive small space, Josh Byrne prepares his garden for cooler weather, Millie Ross visits the home of chef Rosa Mitchell and Tino Carnevale plants, prunes and harvests feijoas.



Gardening Australia has always provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Inspiring, entertaining and full of practical advice, join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they unearth gardening ideas, meet avid gardeners and look at some of the most inspiring gardens from across the country.


Gardening Australia episode 11 2020


Resourceful Renter

Costa visits a couple’s rental garden to discover their smart solutions for turning a temporary space into a productive patch.

Steve and Rabea North live in Melbourne’s western suburbs and, like over 30% of Australians, their accommodation is rented. But that hasn’t stopped them gardening, and in fact, has inspired a level of self-sufficient, sustainable gardening that is as innovative as it is productive.

Their place is like so many other rentals around the country with no real garden to speak of and a small, paved courtyard at the rear. When most renters are faced with this sort of situation, any dreams they may have had of growing a pretty, productive garden are put on hold – but not this couple. They have taken a small, challenging space and turned it into something truly inspirational for small space and aspiring rental gardeners everywhere.

FAQs – Passionfruit suckers | Exotics and natives | Thinning seedlings

Gardening Australia presenters answer commonly asked gardening questions.


Sophie is in the Adelaide Hills to meet a couple who have built their dream home garden.

Autumn Jobs

Josh polishes off autumn jobs in preparation for the cooler weather.

First up, Josh is paying some attention to his pittosporum hedge (Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Screenmaster’) which started to look a little worse for wear over the summer loosing leaves. After inspecting the tree for signs of sunburn, pest or disease, Josh was able to diagnose the real issue – hydrophobic soil.

A common problem of sandy soils, water washes from the surface of the soil rather than penetrating, which can seriously impact the health of your plants. The solution? A blend of organic, humic acid-based wetting agent and liquid kelp diluted with water and sprayed onto the soil below the hedge, helping to break down the waxy coating of the soil, and encouraging healthy root growth.

Plant Profile – Maindenhair Tree

We take a look at a tree that grew when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Horticultural History – Panzanella and Pasta Recipe

Millie visits chef Rosa Mitchell’s farm in Central Victoria to find out what’s growing and how she uses locally grown produce in her Italian cooking. Chef Rosa Mitchell is renowned for her Sicilian-inspired restaurants. Currently she operates ‘Rosa’s Canteen’ in Melbourne’s CBD. Rosa is known for her authentic Sicilian, seasonal and homestyle cooking. She cooks in her restaurant “as if you’ve come to my place for lunch”. Her food combines her Sicilian roots, a love of Australian ingredients and her commitment to the philosophies of Slow Food, a global movement that originated in Italy.

Weeds in Pavers

Costa shares his tips for getting weeds out of pavers. Weeds – they’re often the number one enemy of gardeners; and weeds growing up between pavers can be a constant and ongoing problem. So can you control them without resorting to chemicals? You can! Costa has some methods that you can try at your place.

Little-known Edibles

Jerry introduces us to a couple of little-known edibles in his patch.

Sweet Treat – Feijoas

Tino is at the patch to plug the most fragrant fruit of the season -feijoas!

Handmade Habitat

Emmaline meets a park ranger to discover how handmade hollows can provide a ‘hole’ lot of habitat for native fauna.

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