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Gardening Australia episode 15 2019

Gardening Australia episode 15 2019

Gardening Australia episode 15 2019

Gardening Australia episode 15 2019: Tino Carnevale visits a prize-winning Chrysanthemum grower, Costa Georgiadis checks out a rooftop garden oasis, Josh Byrne cracks native seed germination and Jane Edmanson looks at some native plants made for the shade.



Gardening Australia has always provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.


Gardening Australia episode 15 2019


Growing Up

Costa visits an inner-city gardener to learn some tips and tricks for how to create your own rooftop garden oasis. Horticulturist, writer and photographer Steve Falcioni has used a lot of stock-standard plants to create a tapestry of colours and textures in his small rooftop space. “They become stock-standard for a reason,” says Steve. “They’re tough.”

FAQs – Watering indoor plants | Are proteas native? | Controlling aphids on roses

Jane, Clarence and Sophie answer commonly asked gardening questions.

Poppy’s Patch

Millie meets a special gardener who proves you’re never too young to get in the garden. Poppy has been gardening her patch in the family garden since she was three years old. Her dad Chad is an early childhood educator and thought a patch of garden would be great for Poppy – something that would grow while she did.

Top Tip: Using Coffee Grinds

Jerry Coleby-Williams shares some tips on what to do with your used coffee grounds. Australians drink on average 3kg of coffee each a year – and Jerry loves his morning coffee too. But what should you do with the grounds?

The grounds are highly acidic, with a pH between 4-5.5, and contain residual caffeine – neither of these makes them good for worms, so don’t add them to your worm farm.

Gardening Australia episode 15 2019 – Old Friends

Sophie invites a soil expert to her garden to learn about the importance of biodiverse microorganisms in the garden. Sophie Thomson takes a closer look at her soil with Jacob Mills, who is a microbial ecologist with the University of Adelaide.

Made in the Shade

Jane shares some spectacular native plant solutions for shady spots in any garden. Shade can make growing plants difficult but different types of shade lead to different growing conditions. Under trees, plants will also have to compete with the tree’s roots for food and water.

Chrysanthemum Jim

Tino visits a prize-winning Chrysanthemum grower to get the scoop on how to grow the best blooms this Mother’s Day.

Cracking Native Seed Germination

Josh shares a few different ways to “crack” seed dormancy when growing native plants from seed.

Cultivating a Community

Hannah visits a community garden that is committed to connecting residents in public housing estates through growing food and sharing experiences.

Ornamental Figs

Jerry gives some tips on managing ornamental figs to keep them as small indoor plants and prevent them from becoming forest giants!

Pruning Dwarf Fruit Trees

Josh shows how to prune a dwarfing fruit tree.

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