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Gardening Australia episode 25 2019

Gardening Australia episode 25 2019

Gardening Australia episode 25 2019

Gardening Australia episode 25 2019: Costa Georgiadis visits a thrifty workspace garden, Sophie Thomson explores pint sized conifers, Clarence Slockee visits an urban farm growing food and jobs and Jane Edmanson explores a diverse native bush garden.



Gardening Australia has always provided practical, trustworthy and credible gardening advice to inspire and entertain. Join Costa Georgiadis and the team as they traverse the country unearthing the best gardens.


Gardening Australia episode 25 2019


DIY Garden

Costa visits an inner city co-working space that celebrates creativity, community, upcycling and upskilling through their feature garden and workshop areas.

Inner city suburbs are not the first places that come to mind when we think about sustainability, environmental responsibility and farming, but there is a co-working collective in Sydney’s’ Marrickville that is changing this. Stick n Stone is a team of three young women (and a dog) who are committed to not only providing a beautiful shared working space for other Sydney creatives, but building a space that is as inspiring as it is green.

FAQs – Non-flowering hoya | Carrot seedlings | Trees and chooks

Gardening Australia presenters answer commonly asked gardening questions.

Chop Chop

Josh Byrnes demonstrates some easy winter pruning techniques that will have your plants singing in spring. If you’re feeling the chill this winter, Josh has some essential winter pruning jobs that are sure to warm you up! Winter pruning for many plants is essential, and helps them head into their growing season of spring in tip-top shape. Here’s some of Josh’s pruning tips for productive and pretty plants:

Backyard Billabong

Jane visits two native plant enthusiasts in their home-grown bush garden.

A Berry Good Farm

Tino visits a farm south of Hobart to learn about a little Tasmanian berry that packs a spicy punch.

Fair Food Farm

Clarence visits an urban farm growing food and skills with former refugees in the Illawarra.

Coconut Fibre

Jerry explains how to use sustainable coconut fibre around the garden.

Worm Farm 101

Jane shows us how to keep a worm farm in tip-top shape, all year round. Jane loves her worms and her worm farm and has some great tips for people wanting to look after their own wriggly wonders.

Tiny Pineys

Sophie visits the Mt Lofty botanical gardens to explore small conifers for the home garden.

Woody Meadow

Millie discovers how a research project in Melbourne’s CBD is bringing vibrant colour and ecology to the urban landscape.

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