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The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 5

The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 5

The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 5

The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 5: As the coronation weekend approaches, a touch of royal flair graces the work at Beechgrove Garden. Carole Baxter and Calum Clunie pay homage to HM King Charles III’s reportedly favored flower, the delphinium, by planting them in the garden. Simultaneously, Carole revitalizes the Garden for Wildlife by introducing a variety of plant species known to benefit pollinators and other creatures. Calum takes on the task of replating some roses that underperformed last year, while Brian Cunningham shares an update on his ongoing gardening endeavors in Perthshire. Additionally, Beechgrove offers the latest installment in their informative Back to Basics skills guide series.



For gardeners across the United Kingdom, finding practical and reliable gardening advice can be a challenge, particularly for those residing outside the South East of England. Enter the Beechgrove Garden, an idyllic sanctuary situated in the heart of Scotland, which has been a beacon of horticultural wisdom and inspiration since its debut in 1978. Originally airing on BBC Scotland, this beloved gardening program has blossomed into a phenomenon that empowers and educates green thumbs of all skill levels.



The visionary duo behind Beechgrove, Jim McColl and George Barron, envisioned a garden that would be both practical and aspirational. They aspired to showcase the stunning variety of plants that could flourish in Scotland’s distinctive climate. Through the passage of time, the Beechgrove Garden has expanded and evolved, yet its unwavering commitment to inspiring and educating gardeners remains at the core of its ethos.


The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 5


Delphiniums: The Majestic Addition to Your Garden

Delphiniums, with their striking beauty and towering spires, are an elegant addition to any garden. Known for their vibrant colors and intricate, eye-catching patterns, these plants are a favorite among gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of delphiniums, exploring their history, unique characteristics, and the best practices for planting and cultivating these enchanting flowers in your garden. By following our advice, you’ll be well on your way to creating a stunning floral display that captures the essence of these majestic blooms.

A Royal History: Delphiniums Through the Ages

Delphiniums, also known as larkspur, have a long and storied history that dates back to ancient times. The name “delphinium” is derived from the Greek word “delphis,” meaning “dolphin,” as the shape of the flower’s bud resembles a dolphin’s snout. The delphinium has held symbolic significance in various cultures throughout history, often representing protection, goodwill, and strong bonds of love.

As time went on, delphiniums became associated with royalty, thanks in part to their stunning appearance and regal bearing. Today, delphiniums are a favorite of many, including HM King Charles III, who is said to have a particular affinity for these remarkable flowers.

The Diverse World of Delphiniums

Delphiniums are known for their vibrant colors, ranging from deep blues and purples to brilliant pinks, reds, and whites. There are over 300 species of delphiniums, with countless hybrids and cultivars offering an impressive array of options for the discerning gardener.

Some popular varieties of delphiniums include the Pacific Giant series, the Magic Fountains series, and the New Millennium series. Each of these cultivars offers distinct characteristics, such as varying heights, colors, and flower shapes, making them suitable for a wide range of garden styles and preferences.

Planting Delphiniums: A Step-by-Step Guide

To ensure the successful growth and development of your delphiniums, it’s crucial to follow the proper planting techniques. Here, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to planting delphiniums in your garden.

  1. Choose the Right Location: Delphiniums thrive in full sun to partial shade, so select a location in your garden that receives at least six hours of sunlight per day. Additionally, choose a spot with well-draining soil, as delphiniums are sensitive to overly wet conditions.
  2. Prepare the Soil: Delphiniums prefer rich, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Amend your soil with compost or aged manure to improve its texture and nutrient content. If necessary, perform a soil test and adjust the pH accordingly.
  3. Plant at the Right Time: The ideal time to plant delphiniums is in the spring or fall, when temperatures are cooler and more moderate. This allows the plants to establish a strong root system before the heat of summer arrives.
  4. Space Properly: Delphiniums can grow quite tall, so it’s essential to space them appropriately to ensure adequate airflow and prevent overcrowding. Space smaller varieties 12-18 inches apart, while larger varieties should be spaced 24-36 inches apart.
  5. Plant Delphiniums: Dig a hole twice the width and depth of the root ball. Gently remove the delphinium from its container, taking care not to damage the roots. Place the plant in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Backfill with soil, gently tamping it down to eliminate air pockets. Water thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots.
  6. Stake Your Delphiniums: Due to their height, delphiniums often require staking to provide support and prevent them from toppling over in heavy winds or rain. Install a stake or a plant support system soon after planting to avoid damaging the developing root system.
  7. Caring for Your Delphiniums: Tips for a Flourishing Garden

Once your delphiniums are planted, proper care is essential to ensure they grow and thrive in your garden. Follow these tips to keep your delphiniums healthy and vibrant:

  1. Water Regularly: Delphiniums need consistent moisture to thrive, especially during the growing season. Water your plants deeply once a week, or more frequently during hot, dry spells. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other issues.
  2. Fertilize Appropriately: Delphiniums are heavy feeders and benefit from regular applications of a balanced fertilizer. Apply a slow-release granular fertilizer in the spring and again in mid-summer to support healthy growth and flowering.
  3. Prune and Deadhead: To encourage bushier growth and more blooms, prune your delphiniums by pinching back the tips when they are 12-18 inches tall. Regularly deadhead spent blooms to promote continuous flowering and prevent the plant from putting energy into seed production.
  4. Watch for Pests and Disease: Delphiniums can be susceptible to pests such as aphids and slugs, as well as diseases like powdery mildew and botrytis. Keep an eye out for signs of trouble and treat any issues promptly with appropriate interventions, such as insecticidal soap, slug bait, or fungicides.
  5. Winter Care: In colder climates, delphiniums may require extra protection during the winter months. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help insulate the roots and protect them from freezing temperatures.

Delphiniums are a breathtaking addition to any garden, offering an unparalleled display of color, height, and drama. By understanding the unique characteristics and needs of these majestic flowers and following the proper planting and care techniques, you can create a stunning garden showcase that will leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a budding enthusiast, delphiniums are sure to become a cherished part of your gardening journey.

In The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 5 you will find answers to this questions:

  1. How to plant delphiniums?
  2. When is the best time to plant delphiniums?
  3. How to care for delphiniums?
  4. What are the different types of delphiniums?
  5. How to protect delphiniums in winter?
  6. How to control pests and diseases in delphiniums?
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