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The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 7

The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 7

The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 7

The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 7: Beechgrove Garden, a verdant paradise for green thumbs and nature lovers alike, is busily preparing for an upcoming season bursting with colour. The team is dedicated to curating a vibrant summer display, focusing on meticulous plant selection that not only adds aesthetic charm but also encourages and sustains our crucial pollinators. Their comprehensive efforts include particular attention to the care and cultivation of stunning dahlias, which promise to add a bold touch to the landscape.



Taking the reins this season are Kirsty Wilson and Lizzie Schofield. These seasoned gardeners bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the show, ensuring that the garden is nurtured to its full potential and sharing their wisdom with viewers who are passionate about horticulture. They are set to continue the tradition of providing the audience with a rewarding half-hour of insightful gardening advice, tips, and tricks each week.



An intriguing segment to look forward to is a detailed follow-up on the dahlia tubers that were lovingly planted in pots back in April. Wilson and Schofield will not only report on the growth progress of these captivating blooms but also provide insight into nurturing them effectively for optimal results.

Moreover, they’ll be shedding light on a frugal gardening hack that many might find intriguing – propagating dahlias from cuttings. They’ll walk you through this process, ensuring you can replicate it at home and expand your own garden with these magnificent flowers without any additional expenditure. Kirsty is sowing a bed around the viburnum that was moved last autumn and this new area will be home to plants that are particularly good for pollinators. George Anderson is in Joppa and it’s the start of a garden renovation for a family who have recently moved into a new-build house.


The Beechgrove Garden 2023 episode 7


Planting for Pollinators – Crafting Your Pollinator Paradise

The Importance of Planting for Pollinators

Have you ever listened to a garden? Not with your ears, but with your heart. A garden in full bloom sings a song, a green symphony conducted by the tireless pollinators that flit from blossom to blossom. Bees, butterflies, and birds, each playing their part in nature’s orchestra. Yet, this symphony is growing quiet. Our pollinators need our help.

The Right Notes: Best Plants for Pollinators

Creating a pollinator paradise starts with choosing the right plants. Just as we are drawn to certain foods, pollinators have their favorites too. They’re captivated by vibrant colors and delightful scents. Sunflowers, coneflowers, and milkweed are all melodious notes in the green symphony, attracting a wide range of pollinators with their siren songs.

Conducting the Green Symphony: How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

Crafting a pollinator-friendly garden is like conducting a symphony. You need the right instruments (plants), the right tempo (seasonal planting), and the right composition (garden layout). By understanding the needs of our pollinators, we can create a harmonious garden that not only looks beautiful but also supports our local ecosystems.

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The Importance of Planting for Pollinators

In the grand scheme of life, it’s easy to overlook the small creatures buzzing and flitting around us. Yet, they’re the ones keeping our planet alive and vibrant. Bees, butterflies, birds, and more, tirelessly pollinate our gardens. They spread life from flower to flower, ensuring that the next generation of plants can take root. Without them, our green world would cease to exist as we know it. Hence, planting for pollinators isn’t just a delightful hobby. It’s our chance to give back to nature.

The Right Notes: Best Plants for Pollinators

Each pollinator has its preferences, its favorite melody in the green symphony. Bees, for instance, are particularly fond of blue, purple, and yellow flowers. They also adore native plants, those that have grown in your region for generations. Butterflies, on the other hand, prefer bright red and purple flowers with flat tops or clustered blossoms, perfect for them to land and rest. Lastly, birds like hummingbirds are attracted to tubular flowers with plentiful nectar. They’re captivated by colors like red and orange. By incorporating a variety of these plants in your garden, you can ensure a rich, diverse ensemble of pollinators.

Conducting the Green Symphony: How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

How do you craft this pollinator paradise? Start by understanding the pollinators in your region. Each area has its unique set of pollinators, and they’ll prefer native plants. Next, ensure a continuous bloom. Just as a symphony has different movements, your garden should have different plants blooming in each season. This provides a consistent food source for your pollinators. Lastly, create a safe haven. Avoid pesticides, provide water sources, and leave some areas of your garden undisturbed for insects to nest. Remember, a good conductor respects every member of their orchestra.

In the end, gardening for pollinators is a journey of love, patience, and learning. It’s about recognizing the little miracles happening in our backyards. And most importantly, it’s about playing our part in nature’s grand symphony.

Plant for pollinators, and soon, you’ll see your garden come alive with a harmony that resonates with the rhythm of life. And in this green symphony, you’re not just a listener. You’re a vital part of the performance. Enjoy the music. Remember, in every seed you sow, you’re not just growing a plant. You’re nurturing a whole ecosystem, inviting a host of beautiful creatures to join your garden’s orchestra. And with each note played, each flower that blooms, you’re contributing to a green symphony that echoes across our planet. So, let’s keep the music playing. For us, for the pollinators, for the world.

Caring for Dahlias: A Guide for Beginners

Dahlias are beautiful flowers that come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. They are easy to grow and can brighten up any garden or vase. However, they also require some special care and attention to thrive and bloom. In this blog post, we will share some tips and tricks on how to care for dahlias, from planting to harvesting.

Planting Dahlias

The best time to plant dahlias is in the spring, after the last frost. You can start them indoors from tubers or seeds, or buy them as potted plants from a nursery. Dahlias need a sunny spot with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. You can add compost or manure to improve the soil quality. Dahlias also need plenty of space to grow, so plant them at least 18 inches apart.

To plant dahlias from tubers, dig a hole about 6 inches deep and wide enough to accommodate the tuber. Place the tuber horizontally in the hole, with the eye (the point where the stem will grow) facing up. Cover the tuber with soil and water well. To plant dahlias from seeds, sow them about 1/4 inch deep in pots or trays filled with moist potting mix. Keep them in a warm and bright place until they germinate, then transplant them outdoors when they have at least two sets of leaves. To plant dahlias from potted plants, simply remove them from their containers and place them in the prepared holes. Water them well and add some mulch around the base to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.

Caring for Dahlias

Dahlias are not very demanding plants, but they do need some regular maintenance to keep them healthy and happy. Here are some things you should do to care for your dahlias:

Harvesting Dahlias

Dahlias are great for cutting and arranging in vases or bouquets. They can last up to a week in water if you cut them at the right time and take good care of them. Here are some tips on how to harvest dahlias:

Storing Dahlias

Dahlias are perennial plants that can survive for many years if you store them properly during winter. Dahlias are not hardy in cold climates and will die if exposed to frost or freezing temperatures. Therefore, you need to dig up their tubers and store them indoors until spring. Here are some steps on how to store dahlias:

– Wait until the first frost kills the foliage of your dahlias, then cut back the stems to about 6 inches above the ground.
– Dig up the tubers carefully with a fork or spade, avoiding any damage or injury.
– Shake off any excess soil and wash the tubers gently with water.
– Label each tuber with its name, color or variety for identification.
– Let the tubers dry for a few days in a cool and airy place.
– Pack the tubers loosely in boxes or crates filled with peat moss, vermiculite, sawdust or newspaper shreds.
– Store the boxes in a dark, cool and dry place that has a temperature between 40°F and 50°F.
– Check the tubers periodically for any signs of rotting, shriveling or sprouting. Discard any damaged ones and mist any dry ones with water.

Dahlias are wonderful plants that can add color and beauty to your garden or home. They are easy to grow and care for if you follow some simple guidelines. They will reward you with abundant blooms that you can enjoy all summer long until frost. Happy gardening!

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