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Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a Kitchen Garden 2023 Episode 14

Marcus Wareing's Tales from a Kitchen Garden 2023 Episode 14

Marcus Wareing's Tales from a Kitchen Garden 2023 Episode 14

Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a Kitchen Garden 2023 Episode 14 – Nestled in the scenic landscapes of East Sussex, Marcus Wareing’s smallholding stands as a testament to his passion for nature and agriculture. Recent times saw him initiating essential repairs to keep the land in its prime condition. With ambition in his heart and a digger at his disposal, Marcus eagerly zeroes in on an area affectionately named ‘the Bund’. His vision? To cultivate a lush hedgerow, a haven for local wildlife, using nascent tree seedlings.



Realizing the magnitude of the task ahead, Marcus seeks the expertise of his gardening aficionados, Rosanna and Signe. Their seasoned advice promises to guide him in planting these fledgling trees in a manner that guarantees their robust growth, ensuring a thriving habitat for years to come.



Taking a momentary hiatus from his agricultural pursuits, Marcus treats himself to a refreshing coffee break. A new adventure beckons as he makes his way to Mersea Island in Essex. Here, he joins commercial fishermen Andrew and Jonny French for a crabbing excursion. While Marcus is no stranger to the culinary delights of crabs, witnessing their actual fishing process is an entirely novel experience for him. The day reaches its zenith when Marcus gets to savor the delectable taste of freshly caught and expertly cooked crab.

Upon returning to his beloved farm, Marcus’s attention is captured by his apple orchard. The trees have generously borne fruit over the years, but Marcus can’t shake off the concern that some of them are succumbing to decay. Determined to salvage and preserve the vitality of the remaining trees, Marcus embarks on a journey to Britain’s prestigious National Fruit Collection at Brogdale Farm in Kent. Here, he encounters Dave, a maestro in the art of grafting fruit trees. Marcus soon uncovers that the linchpin to flourishing grafts lies in the quality of the root stock.

An unexpected call from his dedicated tenant farmer, Stuart, draws Marcus back to the rhythms of farm life. Together, they undertake a health assessment of the sheep, ensuring their readiness for the mating season. Evening descends, and Marcus, still inspired by his earlier marine sojourn, whips up a sumptuous dinner featuring grilled crab and a rich brown crab meat pate, sharing this culinary masterpiece with his cherished wife, Jane.


Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a Kitchen Garden 2023 Episode 14


Nestled in the scenic landscapes of East Sussex, Marcus Wareing’s smallholding stands as a testament to his passion for nature and agriculture. Recent times saw him initiating essential repairs to keep the land in its prime condition. With ambition in his heart and a digger at his disposal, Marcus eagerly zeroes in on an area affectionately named ‘the Bund’. His vision? To cultivate a lush hedgerow, a haven for local wildlife, using nascent tree seedlings.

Realizing the magnitude of the task ahead, Marcus seeks the expertise of his gardening aficionados, Rosanna and Signe. Their seasoned advice promises to guide him in planting these fledgling trees in a manner that guarantees their robust growth, ensuring a thriving habitat for years to come.

Planting the Hedgerow – A Lesson in Cultivation

The early morning sun casts its glow over the pastoral landscape as Marcus meets Rosanna and Signe at the site of the future hedgerow. Spades and gloves in hand, the trio reviews the plant selection – a mix of hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel and dog rose. “It’s crucial we space the saplings appropriately to allow each tree room to flourish,” Rosanna advises. She demonstrates digging holes two feet apart, deep enough to accommodate the roots.

Marcus carefully removes each tree from its pot, teasing the roots gently to encourage outward growth. He takes care to position the seedlings at the same depth they were originally planted. Once placed in the ground, Signe packs soil firmly around the base of each plant. “This secures the sapling and eliminates air pockets that could stunt its development,” she explains.

Within a few hours, the fledgling hedgerow begins taking shape. Marcus steps back to survey their work – a dozen young trees, their branches reaching towards the sun. Though small now, he envisions the hedge maturing into a robust, rambling thicket, providing food and shelter for birds, insects and small mammals.

His task done for the day, Marcus thanks Rosanna and Signe for their invaluable guidance. Their wisdom has set these saplings on the path to thriving abundance.

A Taste of the Sea – Crabbing on Mersea Island

Taking a momentary hiatus from his agricultural pursuits, Marcus treats himself to a refreshing coffee break. A new adventure beckons as he makes his way to Mersea Island in Essex. Here, he joins commercial fishermen Andrew and Jonny French for a crabbing excursion. While Marcus is no stranger to the culinary delights of crabs, witnessing their actual fishing process is an entirely novel experience for him.

The briny sea air fills Marcus’s lungs as the boat heads out into the estuary. Andrew lowers circular crab pots, baited with fish heads, into the murky depths. “We let them soak for a while to lure the crabs in,” he explains. An air of anticipation builds as they haul up the first pot, brimming with feisty crustaceans. Marcus is amazed by the variety – shore crabs, edible crabs, spider crabs, their pincers snapping.

With gloves protecting their hands, Andrew and Jonny deftly grab each crab, measuring it against a gauge. “We throw back any undersize ones so they can keep growing,” notes Jonny. The keepers go into a holding tank, soon to meet their fate in the pot.

After repeated drops and pulls, the boat is laden with a writhing crustacean catch. Marcus is thrilled to have gained first-hand insights into the techniques behind procuring these succulent shellfish. The day reaches its zenith when Marcus gets to savor the delectable taste of freshly caught and expertly cooked crab.

Preserving the Orchard – Grafting Lessons at Brogdale Farm

Upon returning to his beloved farm, Marcus’s attention is captured by his apple orchard. The trees have generously borne fruit over the years, but Marcus can’t shake off the concern that some of them are succumbing to decay. Determined to salvage and preserve the vitality of the remaining trees, Marcus embarks on a journey to Britain’s prestigious National Fruit Collection at Brogdale Farm in Kent. Here, he encounters Dave, a maestro in the art of grafting fruit trees.

Marcus surveys his orchard, despondent over the gnarled, splitting trunks of aging trees. Dave reassures him, “By grafting scions from these trees onto new root stock, you can propagate healthy clones.” He explains that the key is selecting vigorous, disease-resistant root stock to which the scion will be fused.

Dave demonstrates how it’s done, slicing a neat wedge into the living root stock, matching it to a v-shaped cut on the scion. The two are joined and sealed with tape to unite the tissues. “Make sure the cambium layers align for the graft to take,” Dave notes.

In the greenhouse, Dave shows Marcus rows of successfully grafted apple trees. The shiny, smooth trunks arise from the robust rooted base below. Marcus gains hope that through grafting, his ailing orchard will experience renewed vigor. He just needs patience for the grafts to mature into bountiful, fruit-bearing branches.

Shepherding the Flock – Preparing for Mating Season

An unexpected call from his dedicated tenant farmer, Stuart, draws Marcus back to the rhythms of farm life. Together, they undertake a health assessment of the sheep, ensuring their readiness for the mating season.

Marcus takes up his crook, wandering among the flock scattered across the meadow. He cuts a seasoned figure against the ovine backdrop, checking each sheep thoroughly. “I’m looking for any infections, limps or other signs of illness,” Marcus explains to Stuart. He demonstrates examining the sheep’s teeth, coat, hooves – all indicators of prime condition.

A few individuals show minor abrasions which Marcus meticulously disinfects and dresses. Otherwise, the flock appears perfectly primed for their amorous encounters to come. Stuart provides nutritional supplements to the breeding stock, fortifying them for this energetically demanding period.

Wheeling the rams out to pasture elicits a chorus of exuberant bleats from the ewes. Marcus looks on, reflecting, “It’s deeply fulfilling to steward these creatures through the cycles of life on the farm. I’m proud to provide them with everything needed to thrive.”

The Fruits of Labor – A Crab-Centric Feast

Evening descends, and Marcus, still inspired by his earlier marine sojourn, whips up a sumptuous dinner featuring grilled crab and a rich brown crab meat pate, sharing this culinary masterpiece with his cherished wife, Jane.

Marcus expertly cleaves the crabs in two, exposing the sweet white meat within. The claws and body sections hit the grill, filling the kitchen with sizzling aromas. For the pate, Marcus combines the brown crab meat with cream cheese, lemon juice and cayenne pepper.

Jane inhales deeply as Marcus places the piping hot crab and a ramekin of the pate before her. “This looks absolutely divine!” she exclaims. The succulent crab pairs perfectly with a crisp white wine. Jane closes her eyes in bliss with each decadent bite of the velvety pate.

Marcus beams, relishing the chance to pamper his wife with the spoils of his day’s exploits. As they dine together amid flickering candles, Jane murmurs, “The fruits of your labors truly nourish the soul.” Marcus squeezes her hand, his heart full.

Fresh crab, crab pâté and kohlrabi herb salad

Fresh crab, crab pâté and kohlrabi herb salad

The refreshing allure of a summer herb salad serves as the ideal pairing with the rich flavors of seasonal crab. And to elevate the experience further, complement it with a simple yet sumptuous homemade crab pâté.




Marcus Wareing’s adventures revealed the harmonious balance between man and nature at the core of bucolic life. By nurturing the land and cultivating its bounty sustainably, while also deriving profound fulfillment from the simple act of shepherding flocks or fishing for crabs, Marcus tapped into a vital wellspring of inner tranquility. His experiences highlighted the importance of preserving agricultural heritage through grafting, allowing storied orchards to thrive for generations. Marcus emerged with his sense of wonder at the natural world renewed. His enriched perspective will guide him in maintaining the vitality of his kitchen garden and smallholding.


FAQ Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a Kitchen Garden 2023 Episode 14


What type of trees did Marcus plant in his new hedgerow?

Marcus planted a mix of native species including hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel and dog rose to create the hedgerow. These plants will provide excellent habitat and food sources for local wildlife as they mature.

Why did Marcus visit the fishermen Andrew and Jonny French on Mersea Island?

Marcus joined Andrew and Jonny, two commercial fishermen, to experience traditional crab fishing first-hand and learn how crabs are caught and measured for size regulations. This allowed him to gain new insights into procuring these delicious shellfish.

What orchard issue was Marcus trying to address at Brogdale Farm?

Marcus was concerned about aging, decaying trees in his apple orchard. By grafting scions from his existing trees onto new disease-resistant root stock at Brogdale Farm, he hopes to propagate healthy clones and restore vigor to the orchard.

How did Marcus ensure his sheep flock was ready for breeding season?

Marcus and his tenant farmer Stuart performed health checks on each sheep, examining their teeth, coat, hooves and watching for illness. They also provided supplemental nutrition to fortify the breeding stock for the demanding mating period ahead.

What crab dish did Marcus prepare for his wife Jane after his fishing trip?

To highlight the day’s fresh catch, Marcus prepared a feast featuring delicately grilled crab meat along with a decadent brown crab meat pate to share with Jane. This allowed him to showcase the fruits of his labor in a delicious meal.

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