Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

Gardeners World 2023 episode 10: It’s a good time to get tender plants in the ground now the risk of frost has passed. Monty Don is busy planting out tropical gingers and sweetcorn and direct sowing beans. Joe Swift visits a stunning walled garden in Denbighshire, designed and planted by owners who love to recycle and repurpose as much as they can. Rekha Mistry shares the secrets of her success for growing aubergines on her London allotment. There’s a re-visit to farmer turned nurseryman Barry Proctor as he makes final preparations for his first RHS Chelsea Flower Show. And to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, journalist Rosie Kinchen explains how horticulture helped her deal with postnatal depression.

Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

With the looming threat of frost now a distant memory, it’s the perfect moment to put tender plants back into the familiar embrace of the earth. Our own Monty Don is diligently at work, ensuring that his vibrant tropical gingers and nutritious sweetcorn are introduced to their new homes in the ground. Additionally, he’s focused on direct sowing beans, carefully embedding them in the nurturing soil to ensure a healthy growth cycle.

Meanwhile, we journey with Joe Swift to an absolutely mesmerizing walled garden nestled in the charming locale of Denbighshire. The garden is a true testament to the creative prowess of its owners who have a remarkable passion for recycling and repurposing as much as they possibly can. The result is a visually stunning and eco-friendly haven that harmoniously intertwines man’s craftsmanship and nature’s beauty.

On another front, Rekha Mistry unveils the tried and true strategies that have propelled her success in growing aubergines on her urban oasis – a well-tended allotment in the heart of London. From seed selection to her unique gardening techniques, she generously shares her insights to empower other green thumbs in their own gardening pursuits.

Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

Meanwhile, we journey back to visit Barry Proctor, the farmer turned nurseryman, who’s busily involved in making the last touches in anticipation of his debut at the prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower Show. His journey is a tale of resilience, passion, and a deep-seated love for nature’s bounty, reflecting a spirit of hope and determination.

Lastly, in synchronicity with Mental Health Awareness Week, we are honored to have journalist Rosie Kinchen delve into her personal experiences and share how horticulture played a crucial role in her recovery from postnatal depression. Her moving story elucidates the therapeutic benefits of nurturing plants, highlighting how gardening can become a silent yet powerful ally in mental health struggles.

Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

Planting Out Tropical Gingers

Tropical gingers are a group of plants that belong to the Zingiberaceae family. They are known for their colorful and fragrant flowers, as well as their edible rhizomes. Some of the most popular tropical gingers are ginger (Zingiber officinale), turmeric (Curcuma longa), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), and galangal (Alpinia galanga).

Tropical gingers are native to warm and humid regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia. They can be grown outdoors in USDA zones 8 to 11, where the temperature does not drop below 50°F (10°C). In colder climates, they can be grown in containers and brought indoors during winter. If you want to plant out tropical gingers in your garden, here are some tips to help you succeed.

Choose a Suitable Location

Tropical gingers prefer a location that receives partial shade to full sun. They do not like direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves and flowers. They also need a well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. You can amend your soil with compost, manure, or peat moss to improve its fertility and drainage.

Prepare the Rhizomes

Tropical gingers are propagated by dividing their rhizomes, which are the underground stems that store food and water. You can buy rhizomes from nurseries or online sources, or use your own if you have existing plants.

To prepare the rhizomes for planting, you should cut them into pieces that have at least one eye or bud. The eye is the point where a new shoot will emerge. You should also trim off any damaged or diseased parts of the rhizomes.

Plant the Rhizomes

You should plant the rhizomes in spring, after the last frost date in your area. You should dig a hole that is twice as wide and deep as the rhizome. You should place the rhizome horizontally in the hole, with the eye facing up. You should cover it with soil, leaving about an inch (2.5 cm) of the eye exposed. You should water the rhizome well and mulch it with organic material to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.

Care for the Plants

Tropical gingers need regular watering, especially during dry periods. You should keep the soil moist but not soggy. You should also fertilize them once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

Tropical gingers are generally pest and disease resistant, but they may be affected by aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, root rot, leaf spot, and rust. You should inspect your plants regularly and treat any problems with organic or chemical methods.

Tropical gingers will start to bloom in summer or fall, depending on the variety. The flowers can last for several weeks and attract hummingbirds and butterflies. You can cut some of the flowers for indoor arrangements, but leave some on the plants for seed production.

Overwinter the Plants

If you live in a cold climate, you will need to overwinter your tropical gingers indoors. You should stop watering and fertilizing them when they start to die back in fall. You should cut off the foliage and dig up the rhizomes before the first frost. You should clean and dry the rhizomes and store them in a cool, dark, and dry place. You can use paper bags, cardboard boxes, or plastic containers with ventilation holes. You should check on them occasionally and discard any that show signs of rotting or shriveling.

You can replant your tropical gingers in spring when the weather warms up. Tropical gingers are beautiful and versatile plants that can add a touch of exoticism to your garden. With proper care and attention, they will reward you with stunning flowers and spicy flavors.

How to Plant Sweetcorn in Your Garden – Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

Sweetcorn is a delicious and nutritious crop that you can grow in your own garden. Sweetcorn is easy to grow, but it does require some care and attention. Here are some tips on how to plant sweetcorn and enjoy its fresh and juicy kernels.

Choose the Right Variety

There are many varieties of sweetcorn available, but not all of them are suitable for your climate and growing conditions. You should choose a variety that is adapted to your region and has a short growing season. Some popular varieties are:

  • Early Sunglow: This is a yellow sweetcorn that matures in 63 days. It has small ears with tender kernels and a sweet flavor.
  • Silver Queen: This is a white sweetcorn that matures in 92 days. It has large ears with plump kernels and a mild flavor.
  • Peaches and Cream: This is a bicolor sweetcorn that matures in 83 days. It has medium-sized ears with yellow and white kernels and a rich flavor.

Prepare the Soil

Sweetcorn needs a fertile and well-drained soil to grow well. You should prepare the soil in early spring, before planting the seeds. You should:

  • Loosen the soil with a fork or a tiller to a depth of 8 inches.
  • Add organic matter, such as compost or manure, to improve the soil structure and fertility.
  • Test the soil pH and adjust it if needed. Sweetcorn prefers a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, according to the package directions.

Plant the Seeds

Sweetcorn is best planted from seeds directly in the garden. You should plant the seeds after the last frost date, when the soil temperature is at least 60°F. You should:

  • Sow the seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in rows that are 30 inches apart.
  • Thin the seedlings to 12 inches apart when they are 4 inches tall.
  • Plant several rows of sweetcorn together to ensure good pollination and ear development.

Care for the Plants

Sweetcorn needs regular watering, weeding, and fertilizing to grow well. You should:

  • Water the plants deeply and frequently, especially during hot and dry weather. The soil should be moist but not soggy.
  • Mulch the soil around the plants with straw or grass clippings to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Weed the area carefully by hand or with a hoe, avoiding damaging the roots of the plants.
  • Fertilize the plants again when they are 12 inches tall and again when they start to produce tassels.

Harvest the Ears

Sweetcorn is ready to harvest when the ears are fully developed and the kernels are milky and juicy. You should:

  • Check the ears by pulling back part of the husk and piercing a kernel with your fingernail. If the liquid is clear, the ear is not ready. If the liquid is milky, the ear is ready. If the liquid is pasty, the ear is overripe.
  • Harvest the ears by twisting them off the stalks or cutting them with a sharp knife.
  • Enjoy the ears fresh or store them in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can also freeze or can them for longer storage.

Sweetcorn is a rewarding crop that you can grow in your own garden. By following these steps, you can plant sweetcorn and enjoy its delicious taste and health benefits.

How to Grow Aubergines: A Comprehensive Guide – Gardeners World 2023 episode 10

Growing aubergines, also known as eggplants, is an exciting endeavor that can enhance both your garden and your kitchen table. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a budding green thumb, this guide will provide all the information you need to start your aubergine journey.

Why Grow Aubergines?

Aubergines are not only a delight to the palate but also a boon to your health. Low in fat and high in fiber, they make a great meat alternative for vegetarians and food lovers alike. From classic Mediterranean dishes like moussaka and ratatouille to innovative, adventurous recipes, aubergines provide a substantial base that absorbs and enhances flavors.

Preparing for the Aubergine Adventure

The first step in your aubergine-growing journey is understanding the plant’s needs. Aubergines crave sunshine, warmth, and moist conditions. They’re a bit like a sunbathing baby that always needs feeding – demanding but rewarding.

Indoor Sowing

Start by sowing eggplant seeds indoors. These deep-rooted crops are happiest when started in small pots or modules. Keep them warm and wait approximately ten days for germination.

Hardening Off

Once roots fill the pots, move your eggplants to larger containers with free-draining compost. You can then start hardening them off – a process of gradually acclimatizing indoor-sown plants to outdoor conditions. This process should take about a week.

Planting Out

Finally, you’re ready to plant your aubergines in their final growing space. Check your soil type – a pH of 6.3-6.8 is ideal. Once planted, water well and add a layer of mulch to keep the soil moisture at an optimal level.

Caring for Your Aubergines

Regular care is essential for healthy, tasty crops. Maintain generous moisture levels by watering regularly and misting flowers with tepid water to help fruit set. Additionally, feed your plants with a high-potash liquid plant food every two weeks once the first fruit begins to form.

Harvesting Your Aubergines

Eggplants take patience, but the rewards are worth the wait. Depending on the variety, fruits take about two to three months to fully ripen from transplanting – that’s about four to five months from sowing. Once ready, cut the fruits with a sharp knife or secateurs, leaving about a 0.7in (2cm) stalk.

Growing aubergines can be a fulfilling experience that provides a bounty of delicious and nutritious fruits. So why not broaden your gardening horizons and give it a try? With a little patience and care, you’ll reap a rewarding harvest. Happy gardening!

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