Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 23

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 23

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 23: This week’s episode comes from Adam Frost’s garden. Arit Anderson discovers a paradise garden in Cambridge which has become a focal point for the local community, and Frances Tophill shares the joy of collecting and saving heirloom vegetable seeds on a visit to Pembrokeshire.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 23

There’s a passionate grower in Somerset who has a unique take on companion planting in his productive plot, and in Wolverhampton there’s a gardener who, through clever design and planting, has transformed a long narrow plot into a magical space to get lost in. Also, more Gardeners’ World viewers share what they’ve been getting up to in their gardens.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 23

Across the country `Gardeners’ World’ presenters, from their own gardens and homes, give advice and share their knowledge to enable people to get the most out of their gardens. For further inspiration, professionals, horticulturists and hobby gardeners provide fellow green-fingered enthusiasts with useful tips and suggestions, no matter the size of garden or level of expertise. Whether it is creating depth in a small, backyard garden or how to make the most of the latest spinach crop with homemade pesto, presenters prove that the possibilities are endless for any gardener and garden.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 23

Gravel gardens

A gravel garden is a great option for a low maintenance garden. It also lends itself to Mediterranean-style drought-tolerant planting so things like lavender, euphorbias, Cistus, Santolina and Phlomis are ideal and provide plenty of nectar and pollen for visiting insects.

Gravel garden plants thrive in unimproved sandy soil with relatively low fertility. If your soil is clay-based, then incorporation of plenty of organic matter into the soil may help to alter its character a little. If you do not require plants to self-seed, lay landscape fabric over the soil before planting and cut crosses just large enough to insert each rootball. Different-sized gravel is available: fine grades are 10mm or less, chunkier types are 20mm or more. Medium-grade gravels, particularly if angular in shape, are easier to walk on than smaller grades, rounded pea shingle or large cobbles. If cats frequent the garden, larger grades will deter unwanted activities.

Hedges: trimming

Established hedges require trimming to keep them dense and compact. Formal hedges require more frequent trimming than informal hedges. New hedges require formative pruning for their first couple of years after planting. Formative pruning is usually carried out in winter or early spring.

After this, maintenance trimming is carried out, usually once a year for informal hedges and twice a year for formal hedges. Some formal hedges may need three cuts a year. Maintenance trimming is generally carried out between spring and summer. Timing of pruning should take into account the potential for nesting birds (see ‘Problems’ section below) and be delayed until after the nesting season – considered to run from March to August – if there are any signs that indicate activity.

Hand-held hedge shears are fine for smaller hedges, but for large hedges you’ll probably find it easier to use an electric or petrol hedge trimmer. No matter what you use always make sure the equipment is sharp and well lubricated.

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