Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 29

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 29

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 29: Monty plants mahonia for winter colour and scent, demonstrates how to take salvia cuttings and introduces a special addition to Longmeadow. Toby Buckland visits an allotment in Bristol to find out how gardening is helping to improve the quality of life for people with dementia and their carers. Advolly Richmond explores the origins of the historic Japanese Garden at Cowden in Clackmannanshire.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 29

There’s a back garden in Leeds which has been transformed into a tropical oasis, and in Cheshire we meet a grower who holds a national collection of mint. Also, more viewers share what they’ve been getting up to in their gardens.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 29

Across the country `Gardeners’ World’ presenters, from their own gardens and homes, give advice and share their knowledge to enable people to get the most out of their gardens. For further inspiration, professionals, horticulturists and hobby gardeners provide fellow green-fingered enthusiasts with useful tips and suggestions, no matter the size of garden or level of expertise. Whether it is creating depth in a small, backyard garden or how to make the most of the latest spinach crop with homemade pesto, presenters prove that the possibilities are endless for any gardener and garden.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 29

Salvia cuttings

Salvias are a large group of plants popular for adding colour to borders in late summer. The perennial types vary in hardiness so a good way to safeguard against winter losses is to root cuttings. This is simple to do and it is satisfying to share these long-flowering plants with friends.

Salvias (ornamental sage) are a must in the summer garden. They come in a vast range of forms and colours and their nectar-rich flowers are a magnet for bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. They flower for months on end, often from midsummer until the first frosts, and many have aromatic foliage, too. The name ‘salvia’ derives from the Latin salveo, meaning ‘I heal’ or ‘I save’. The culinary herb, Salvia officinalis, was used as a healing plant by Greeks and Romans and is part of part of the huge Salvia genus.

Salvias look good in almost all planting schemes. They look great in a mixed or herbaceous border and are great for underplanting roses – they begin flowering just as the roses are going over and are said to keep mildew and black spot at bay. They also look great in a tropical or exotic planting scheme, alongside dahlias, bananas and cannas. Salvias are ideal for a coastal garden and are often a key plant in a dry garden. They also grow very well in pots, making long-lasting displays on the patio – check out this salvia, euphorbia and pelargonium pot.

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