Art Passion Power

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 4

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 4

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 4: Andrew Graham-Dixon explores how royal collecting has changed since the days of Queen Victoria. This is a story of the British monarchy’s remarkable survival, while elsewhere the crown heads of Europe crumbled in the face of world wars and revolutions. But it is also an age when […]

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Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 3

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 3

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 3: Andrew Graham-Dixon continues his exploration of the Royal Collection, the vast collection of art and decorative objects owned by the Queen. In the third episode he has reached the age of the Romantics – the flamboyant George IV who created so much of the visual look of

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Art, Passion & Power - The Story of the Royal Collection episode 2

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 2

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 2: In the year 1660, something miraculous began to happen. After the execution of Charles I, the Royal Collection had been sold off and scattered to the four winds. But now, with the restoration of Charles II, the monarchy was back. And with it their driven, sometimes obsessive,

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Art, Passion & Power - The Story of the Royal Collection episode 1

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 1

Art, Passion & Power – The Story of the Royal Collection episode 1: In a major four-part series, Andrew Graham-Dixon explores the history of the Royal Collection, the dazzling collection of art and decorative objects owned by the Queen. Containing over a million items, this is one of the largest art collections in the world – its masterpieces by Van

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