Gardeners World 2022 episode 30

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 30

Gardeners World 2022 episode 30: Monty starts work on revamping the writing garden, plants crocus bulbs and harvests pumpkins. Frances Tophill visits a unique plant conservation centre responsible for preserving key historical plants, and Rekha Mistry collects and saves seed from her allotment while revealing the surprising results of her veg growing experiments.

Gardeners World 2022 episode 30

A man in Bath has a love of trees that has led to him creating an arboretum in his garden, and in Staffordshire, a gardener with a passion for plants shares her plot, which is brimming with pots and containers. Also, more viewers show what they’ve been getting up to in their gardens.

Gardeners World 2022 episode 30

Across the country `Gardeners’ World’ presenters, from their own gardens and homes, give advice and share their knowledge to enable people to get the most out of their gardens. For further inspiration, professionals, horticulturists and hobby gardeners provide fellow green-fingered enthusiasts with useful tips and suggestions, no matter the size of garden or level of expertise. Whether it is creating depth in a small, backyard garden or how to make the most of the latest spinach crop with homemade pesto, presenters prove that the possibilities are endless for any gardener and garden.

Gardeners World 2022 episode 30

How to grow crocuses

Crocuses are corms with diminutive flowers in shades of yellow, purples and white. They brighten our gardens in early spring and autumn and have a wide range of uses. You can choose ones for container displays, carpeting under trees, studding lawns with colour or growing in an alpine house. Crocuses in general are hardy and enjoy sun and good drainage … with a few exceptions!

Crocus are very dwarf perennials growing from an underground corm. Their deciduous, linear leaves usually have a silvery central stripe. The goblet-shaped, sometimes fragrant, flowers bloom in early spring or autumn. A genus of around 80 species of perennial corms that come up every year. Flowers are funnel shaped and a few inches tall, blooming mainly in spring, but some species flower in autumn. Colours range through white, yellow, lilacs and purples. Crocus generally prefer sunny and well-drained sites.

Glasshouse whitefly

Glasshouse whitefly is a common sap-feeding insect, mainly of house-plants and greenhouse plants. They excrete a sticky substance (honeydew), which allows the growth of sooty moulds. Whiteflies are sap sucking true bugs (Hemiptera) in the family Aleyrodidae. The adults are typically white and fly up from host plants. There are around eight species found in Britain, some are restricted to a limited host range others are found indoors on a wide range of plants indoors.

Glasshouse whitefly can feed on many vegetables and ornamental plants grown in greenhouses as well as house-plants. These include: cucumber, melon, tomato, peppers, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera, Pelargonium, Fuchsia, Lantana, poinsettia and Verbena.

It is relatively easy to see whiteflies on affected plants. When a plant is disturbed clouds of small white-winged insects, 1.5mm (about 1/16in) long, will fly up. This distinguishes whitefly from other insect such as aphids. White objects on the top surface of leaves are more likely to be aphid skins. You may also see flat, oval, creamy white scale-like nymphs (somtimes called larva and pupa) on the underside of leaves. If these nymphs are black they have probably been parsitised by an Encarsia wasp and are dead. Adult whitefly and nymphs excrete sticky honeydew which falls onto foliage, stems and fruits and allows the growth of black sooty moulds.

Gunnera – Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 30

With the largest leaves of any hardy perennial and the appearance of a giant rhubarb, Gunnera manicata makes an impressive statement in a garden large enough to accommodate their huge size. However, there is a small one called Gunnera megellanica to seek out. They are great plants for wet soil on the margins of a large natural pond in gardens, but make sure they don’t escape as the larger ones are invasive in the wild (see Good to Know below).

Huge, deeply veined, jagged-edged leaves are held horizontally on robust, upright, prickly stems. Large, conical spikes of reddish-green flowers emerge around the base of the plant in late spring. Protect plants from freezing weather in winter by folding the decaying leaves over the crown in late autumn.

Gunnera revel in permanently damp soil. They need shelter from strong winds and protection from extended freezing conditions. Gunnera prefer to grow in sun or light shade.

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