Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 32

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 32

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 32: Monty harvests his loofahs, plants tulip bulbs in pots, gives a masterclass in making leafmould and reflects on the gardening year. Carol Klein joins a special autumn colour tour at the National Arboretum in Gloucestershire, an indoor gardener shares their passion for terrariums, and from north Somerset comes a look at the work involved in creating a spectacular autumnal display from seasonal produce. Also, more viewers share what they’ve been getting up to in their gardens.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 32

Across the country, the presenters of `Gardeners’ World’ are on a mission to empower and inspire garden enthusiasts. Broadcasting from their own beautiful gardens and cozy homes, these experts generously share their vast knowledge and practical advice, helping viewers maximize the potential of their green spaces.

For those seeking further inspiration, the program also features contributions from a diverse array of professionals, horticulturists, and passionate hobby gardeners. These green-thumbed enthusiasts offer a treasure trove of tips and suggestions, tailored to gardeners of all skill levels and garden sizes. Whether you’re a novice tending a small urban balcony or a seasoned gardener managing a sprawling estate, there’s something valuable for everyone.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 32

One of the core strengths of `Gardeners’ World’ is its ability to make gardening accessible and enjoyable for all. The presenters demonstrate that even the tiniest of spaces can be transformed into lush, vibrant havens. For example, they provide creative solutions for adding depth and interest to small backyard gardens. Techniques such as vertical planting, container gardening, and the use of mirrors to reflect light and create the illusion of more space are just a few of the ingenious ideas showcased.

But the program doesn’t stop at garden design. It delves into the practicalities of growing and utilizing various crops. Take spinach, for instance. The presenters share their tried-and-true methods for cultivating a bountiful spinach crop, and then go a step further by offering delightful recipes, like homemade spinach pesto. This holistic approach ensures that viewers not only grow healthy plants but also enjoy the fruits of their labor in delicious, nutritious ways.

The breadth of knowledge shared on `Gardeners’ World’ is truly impressive. Presenters tackle a wide range of topics, from soil health and composting to pest control and plant propagation. They emphasize sustainable practices, encouraging gardeners to work in harmony with nature. This includes advice on creating wildlife-friendly gardens, which support local ecosystems and promote biodiversity. By planting native species, installing bird feeders, and creating habitats for beneficial insects, gardeners can turn their outdoor spaces into sanctuaries for wildlife.

Seasonal gardening is another focal point of the show. Viewers receive timely advice on what to plant and when, ensuring that their gardens are in bloom throughout the year. The presenters discuss the intricacies of different growing seasons, helping gardeners plan their activities accordingly. Whether it’s planting bulbs in the fall for a springtime display or sowing seeds in the spring for a summer harvest, the guidance provided is both practical and inspirational.

Gardeners’ World 2022 episode 32

The presenters also address common gardening challenges, offering solutions that are both effective and environmentally friendly. For instance, they share natural pest control methods, such as using companion planting to deter harmful insects or creating homemade insect repellents from common household ingredients. These eco-friendly approaches help gardeners maintain healthy, thriving plants without resorting to harmful chemicals.

In addition to practical tips, `Gardeners’ World’ is rich in horticultural wisdom. The presenters delve into the science behind gardening, explaining the principles of plant biology and ecology in an engaging and understandable way. This deeper understanding of the natural world enhances the gardening experience, allowing viewers to appreciate the complexities and wonders of plant life.

Community is a significant theme in the program as well. `Gardeners’ World’ fosters a sense of connection among gardeners, encouraging them to share their experiences and knowledge with one another. This communal spirit is reflected in the show’s interactive segments, where viewers can send in questions, share photos of their gardens, and receive personalized advice from the presenters. This creates a supportive and inclusive environment where gardeners feel valued and inspired.

Moreover, the show highlights the therapeutic benefits of gardening. Presenters discuss how gardening can be a source of physical exercise, stress relief, and mental well-being. The act of tending to plants, watching them grow, and enjoying their beauty can have a profound positive impact on one’s mood and overall health. `Gardeners’ World’ emphasizes that gardening is not just a hobby but a rewarding and enriching lifestyle.

How to grow tulips

Planted as bulbs, tulips provide spring flowers in dazzling colours and flower shapes. Grow them in borders, rock gardens and containers before summer flowers appear. Specialist tulips related to wild species often multiply in gardens.

Flowering in spring, this type are seen growing in gardens and parks as temporary displays of seasonal colour (bedding) in borders and containers. They have large colourful flowers, upright stems and wide strappy leaves. There is a wide range of flower colour to choose from; including white-cream, yellow-orange, blue-purple, red-pink, even greens and dark black-purple. Flower shape adds to this diversity, with single-, double-, lily-flowered, viridiflora, fringed and parrot forms. Different tulip cultivars flower from early to late spring, so careful planning can give a succession of colour before summer flowers begin.

A wide selection of border tulips can be bought as dry bulbs from nurseries and garden centres in autumn. They are sold loose or in labelled packs. Choose firm bulbs, which show no signs of mould. The papery brown skin sometimes falls off, but this won’t affect flowering. Buying around 25 to 50 bulbs for every sq m (yd) of garden you want to plant will ensure a really good flowering display (using 25 or less is possible, it’s just you ideally need to underplant with forget-me-not, pansies, wallflowers or primroses so that it doesn’t look gappy). For containers, around 12 would be enough for a 45cm (18in) wide pot, but you can increase this to 20 bulbs for a fuller display.

If you miss out on buying and planting bulbs in autumn, gardening retail outlets and supermarkets often have bulbs grown in containers available in spring. Ideally buy these before they come into full flower.


Leafmould is formed from decaying leaves and produces an invaluable soil conditioner. The best quality leafmould is produced from the leaves of oak, beech or hornbeam.

All leaves and conifer needles will eventually break down into leafmould. Some leaves, such as oak, beech or hornbeam, break down with little assistance and produce an excellent quality product. Thick leaves like sycamore, walnut, horse chestnut and sweet chestnut need to be shredded before adding to the leafmould pile, as they are much slower to break down. Alternatively, they can be added to the compost heap after shredding.

Evergreens such as holly, Aucuba and cherry laurel, are better shredded and added to the compost heap, where they will break down faster than if added to the leafmould pile. Conifer needles will eventually break down, but may take two to three years to decay. Conifer hedge clippings are better added to the compost heap than used for making leafmould. Pine needles are worth gathering and placing in a separate leafmould pile as they produce acidic leafmould, which is ideal for mulching ericaceous plants, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, Pieris and blueberries.

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