Gardeners World episode 32 2019: In the final programme of the series, Monty is in the jewel garden showing which plants need protection from the elements now and which ones can be left until after the first frosts. He also plants out berried shrubs to help feed wildlife in the winter, harvests pumpkins and shows how to make use of fallen autumnal leaves.
Carol Klein shows the planting partners still making an impact in the borders of the Bishop’s Palace and Gardens in Somerset, and Adam Frost is in the Cotswolds finding out about some surprising planting schemes designed with animals in mind.
Frances Tophill summarises her first season on her allotment in Kent and Rachel de Thame updates her containers to ensure that they give interest for the upcoming seasons ahead. And, earlier this year, Nick Bailey visited Forde Abbey and met its head gardener to learn about the secrets behind the success of the abbey’s acclaimed display of tulips.
Gardeners World episode 32 2019
How to overwinter tender plants
Tender plants can be cut back, lifted and stored in a dormant state, or protected with a covering of organic matter (known as mulch). The decision on whether to lift and store or leave them outside under mulch depends both upon the plant and the local climate.
Tender herbaceous perennials that can be lifted and stored include dahlias, cannas, tuberous begonias and gladioli. All these plants have fleshy tubers, rhizomes (underground stems) or corms that can survive in a dormant state when lifted and stored.
Late-flowering perennials
As days begin to shorten, we start to think of berries and autumn foliage colour – but this is also the season when an unexpectedly wide range of autumn-flowering hardy perennials start to come into their own. Michaelmas daisies, now classed botanically as Symphyotrichum, are perhaps the first to come to mind, in their vast array of flower colours and flower forms and heights. Penstemons, too, can be kept flowering into November with regular deadheading.
Cabbage whitefly
Cabbage whitefly are small white-winged insects that can be found on the undersides of brassica leaves. They are frequent found on brassicas in allotments and gardens but not necessarily a serious problem that requires control. This is a different species to glasshouse whitefly.
Cabbage whitefly is a sap-feeding true bug that can infest cabbage and all other types of brassica. It can be a particular problem on kale, as the insect can develop on the foliage that is destined for dinner plates.
Tulips in Gardeners World episode 32 2019
Tulips are amongst the most popular of bulbs, valued for their brilliant flower colours and shapes. Plant in autumn for a show of spring flowers. Choose from a large range to suit the situation. Whether used in formal or informal beds and borders, tulips make ideal bedding plants combined with annual or biennial planting. Tulips can also be useful for containers, and some varieties can be naturalised in grass.
Winter containers
There is a huge selection of shrubs, herbaceous plants, bedding and bulbs to choose from. Although these plants are not as flamboyant as those used in summer containers, you can still make a statement with careful plant selection.
Thank you so much for another year of Gardeners World!
Greetings from Germany!
will be here, and more gardening shows will be posted till spring
Thank you for your fabulous show! Have binge-watched the whole season while the seasons move to Summer here in Australia ❤