In Gardeners World episode 7 2019: Gardeners’ World has a full hour of gardening this Easter weekend and Monty gets going with a new planting project, as well as giving plenty of tips on getting our lawns and plants into tip top condition for the season ahead. And Monty has a surprise guest visiting for Easter, Rachel de Thame.
If you have dry shade, dappled shade or deep shade, Carol Klein is on hand to show us the spring planting partners which grow happily together, Adam Frost meets a woman who has created seven individual gardens around her home in Worcestershire, and Joe Swift and Florence Headlam are on a Walsall allotment helping out on a community growing project for children with special needs.
Gardeners World episode 7 2019
Shade planting: annuals, bulbs and perennials
Gardens shaded by trees and buildings are increasingly common as gardens get smaller. Although north- or east-facing gardens can be cool and shady for much of the year, they can present some creative opportunities with well-chosen shade-tolerant plants.
Planting bulbs in grass
Drifts of daffodils, snowdrops and crocus in open grass are one of the classic signs of spring. Although they look like the work of nature, they are simple to create and will last for many years. Naturalising bulbs is a great way to brighten up lawns, verges and wildflower areas in spring. In areas of grass, choose bulbs that complete their growing and flowering early, such as crocus. Most daffodils also do well in grass, but leave at least six weeks after flowering before mowing, and ideally leave until foliage goes yellow and straw-like.
Lawn maintenance
At this time of year, the lawn is actively growing and requires feeding, moss-killing, weeding and regular mowing. Spring is also a suitable time to over-seed sparse areas. All lawns need feeding in order to maintain vigour. When feeding, look out for signs of pest or disease and apply moss killer if required. Regular maintenance is the best way to approach a lawn, and may avoid the need for renovation later on.
Over winter, the lawn does not grow much, but once the weather warms up in early spring, you can start mowing, and this is also a good time to over-seed any areas damaged over winter.
It was lovely to see Rachel de Thane again and hear things are going much better with her, wish her all the best