
Video documentaries about history of the world


Holocaust: Concentration Camps – Majdanek

The speed of the Soviet advance gave the Germans no time to destroy or conceal evidence of atrocities committed at the concentration and extermination camp Majdanek. Majdanek was unique in the fact that it was the only camp still operational at the time of its liberation on July 23, 1944.     With footage shot by the Russian forces, which […]

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Holocaust: The Revenge Plot

In the dying days of World War II, a secret organisation (Nakam) of Holocaust survivors plans a terrible revenge. Six million Jews are dead but, by 1946, just a handful of Nazis face trial. Most of the guilty will never face justice. For many of Hitler’s victims, this is not enough.     Based on previously unheard recordings and exclusive

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Holocaust: Concentration Camps – Dachau and Sachsenhausen

Dachau Concentration Camp, was situated 12 miles northwest of Munich in Bavaria. Built in the early days of the Nazi regime it was one of three camps set up in 1933 to form the basis for a concentration camp system, initially filled with communist and Jewish inmates Dachau’s doors were soon opened to many other “undesirables” that the Nazis wanted

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Holocaust: Theresienstadt – Deception and Reality

Between 1941 and 1945, the little fortress town of Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia was the transit camp to the death camps in the East for thousands of Czech, German, Austrian and Dutch Jews.   This documentary contains disturbing images !!   The Jews deported there from 1941 onwards were led to believe it was an ‘end camp’ from where they would

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Concentration Camp

Holocaust: Concentration Camps – Ravensbruck and Buchenwald

Buchenwald Concentration Camp: After being established in the Summer of 1937, Buchenwald soon developed into one of the largest concentration camps in Germany, in its eight years of existence,approximately 250,000 inmates from 35 countries were imprisoned here. More than 50,000 of them died during the camps reign of terror. They were systematically culled.The inmates were submitted to the life of

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The Yellow Star

Holocaust: The Yellow Star

Holocaust: The Yellow Star – With a great archive footage coming from 16 countries, this Oscar nominated documentary briefly presents some of the most important facts about the Nazist persecution against Jews in Europe, starting with Hitler’s rise to the power.     Dieter Hildebrandt’s documentary is an interesting and overviewed source with plenty of unseen footage, sound clips and

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